Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Frank Warmerdam (Mr GDAL) Joining Google

Mr. GDAL himself is joining Google in Mountain View, California. See: http://fwarmerdam.blogspot.com/2011/06/joining-google.html.

Google is likely to allow Frank to remain active in GDAL/OGR and in OSGeo (on the board and other committees) while in their employment. So, it looks like GDAL will still be mentored by Mr GDAL (some Google time or Frank's personal time), which is good news indeed.

Read Frank's blog for detailed information.

Also, Frank worked quite a bit over the last 6-months to solidify IMG and ECW support in GDAL. In the past some applications using GDAL created some non-standard IMG and AUX files, and most of these issues have been corrected in GDAL. Now it is up to the applications to make their corrections.

The ECW in GDAL work added support for ERDAS ECW/JP2 SDK 4.1 and 4.2 and added further control to end-users.

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